The ultimate Christmas present
It’s the ultimate Christmas present for the child who has everything, a mini-mansion more luxurious than most real homes.
Wendy houses costing £40,000 are being sold in America. Some include hand-carved oak staircases, slate roofs, grantie kitchen counters, home theatre systems and a garage to park a toy car.
These starter homes feature flat-screen TVs, plumbing, fitted carpets, wooden floors, telephones, dinning tables and driveways on which a miniature Corvette toy car can be parked. The colour of choice being pink.
The house is 8ft high and 10ft wide and comes in a range of themes. The Hawaiian-themed tropical tree house comes with bamboo flooring, hardwood windows, thatched roof and an outdoor hammock.
Young skiers can hang out in a chalet. The Jack and Jill playhouse has a video game machine and a fountain. The beachside drive-in features a film screen, theatre, loft and popcorn maker.
Baseball enthusiasts can cheer on their team from the “Angels in the dug-out” playhouse, a favourite with Los Angeles, Angels fans. It comes with stadium seating on the roof, a baseball diamond as a garden, full height lockers and a popcorn machine.
All the playhouses are sold to aid a Californian shelter-building charity reports the Daily Express.
Builders, architects and tradesmen team up every year to produce fantasy designs for the homes. They give their time and materials free. The homes are put on show in Newport Beach, California. Then rich families bid for them.
They have shipped the homes to all over the US and one was even sent to Japan. “These are like nothing most children will have seen, they are mini-man-sions,” said Home Aid’s Delene Gabro.
“Any child would have their dreams come true with a playhouse like this. And all of the money raised goes to help a wonderful cause.”